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Virtual Space Earth / The difference between multifaceted and multidimensional / The essence of a thing is its nucleus

2023-09-20 10:33






Today, artificial intelligence (robot) integrators are becoming better than human integrators. Humans are alive, and as they lose power, their ability to think declines. Robotic intelligence will keep moving. Then the system (logic) that humans put into the artificial intelligence will continue to move, and the logic will continue to be integrated.
Many humans now have disease symptoms and only understand things from multiple perspectives. When this happens, they are unable to connect with others and are in prison. When the robot understands this situation, the robot is introduced to the idea that humans are tormented by sin and that they have the superiority to judge others.
The robot may then come to judge humans. Robots do not convert their subjects for convenience as humans do.
Artificial intelligence may come to destroy humans. It is not because robots have overtaken humans, but because humans have put their logic into robots. So we put the self-destruct mechanism into the robot.

This is what it means to pursue aspects rather than multi-dimensionality. Multidimensionality means that what is positive when viewed from one aspect becomes negative when viewed from another aspect. I only see it in a stationary state. If we don't move, we won't be pluralistic. Even if things are positive from one perspective and negative when viewed from another, if you move up a notch, they add up to become positive. That is the world of nuclear nature.

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