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Introducing UNIPLAT’s
Facilitator Account for Institutes

UNIPLAT is an online platform specifically designed to help reseachers and entrepreneurs around the world to promote SDGs, obtain more exposure, and connect with supporters accross the globe.


There still are many unrecognized SDGs initiatives and projects that require research funding around the world. Therefore, we have added a new membership type, the Facilitator Account for organizations such as corporations, universities, and research institutions, so they can also participate in UNIPLAT.

A Facilitator Account allows organizations to promote research projects run by their affiliated researchers and publish their activities to UNIPLAT’s users from all over the world by posting the research in the form of document or video content. This can open chances for receiving wider feedback and fundraising for the research.

We are planning to develop more innovative features in the future. Don’t miss the chance to contribute to the SDGs with UNIPLAT!

*We will review every registration to preserve users’ comfort and safety on the platform.


Promote your institute or activities to people all around the world.
Resume pending projects by receiving support from Supporters.
Increase publicity and awareness of your researchers and their projects.
Improve your institute’s creditability by becoming a Uniplat Partner or UMAC.
Utilize other Uniplat users’ documents as reference materials for your institute.
Receive proposals from corporates for co-development. Coming Soon
Collaborate with other institutes for joint-research. Coming Soon


My Lab
My Lab is an exhibition hall where every user can see all contents published by each Researchers or Facilitator account. Promote your organization’s activities and achievements by uploading contents, editing profile, and registering contents as Pre IP.
Live Streaming
Start Live Streaming anytime, anywhere, with a simultaneous translation function for viewers from around the world.
Pre IP
Pre IP is a unique UNIPLAT term for “Pre (Registered) Intellectual Property”. When a Facilitator account registers an uploaded content as Pre IP, UNIPLAT will issue a certificate that certifies the content as an authentically registered by using blockchain’s smart contract technology.
Facilitator accounts can earn donations from supporters all over the world by uploading contents to UNIPLAT.
Use the Messaging function to communicate, share ideas, and seek partnership with other researchers and institutes.
Coming Soon
Online Forum
Hold an Online Forum to exchange ideas and discuss issues with other institutes and researchers.
Coming Soon
Ranking will be based on combinations of various types of user activity and participation in UNIPLAT.
Coming Soon
Analytical Data
Gather Analytical Data to understand the market trends and needs.
Coming Soon



Nigel Crarke

Learned Lion Partners

Senior Partner

"Too many excellent researchers have not been able to realize their potential because they could not access a wide audience, collaborators or financial support for their work. For many researchers, institutes, corporates and funders, understanding new thinking is a vital part of the role that they play; and UNIPLAT offers that access to a much broader spectrum of contributors than has been possible before."

Ubani Vivian

Hultprize Foundation

Expert Relation

"Using the Facilitator account, one can facilitate group discussions among members within the organization. UNIPLAT provides access to group discussions to help participants adapt, apply the concepts and practiced to the local setting by sharing ideas, experiences and feedbacks. The facilitator account will be beneficial to members to facilitate presentations of their projects."

Torkel Falkenberg

Karolinska Institutet

Associate Professor in Health Care Research and Representative

"By opening a Facilitator Account you will have easy access to the UNIPLAT database and researchers uploaded content which can be used as references and milestones and as a basis for joint collaborative enterprises. Joining UNIPLAT as an institutional member will greatly facilitate collaboration with potential partners for research and development across the globe."


GROUP OF NATIONEUTECHPearsonLearned Lion PartnersSHARED OPPORTUNITIES SOCIETY FoundationACIC-KLsparkinovterrascaleNICBELESVTHUNDERBIRDS.ME INCBestiaSkyline Technology USA LLC株式会社UNI-Management株式会社 Global RideOpenskyblue株式会社TOKYO EDUCATION LABartisan-groupcrosstechONE ARCADIAvictoriaventurefundainsteinmichaelconniff's community驚異の女子会『ティラノサウルス』spelaHiNODE未来医療研究センターtsangsgroupsijihivesafely2prosperityRAPID NUTRITIONexcedochemiterasasiaceocaprettocdtecissiahkd-and-mblockraisesweetearthbbwaveavasdigitechucmhpacademyrubiconalexisrubicon-grouperubiconeruditegallerymcharteredsoftwaredeveloperstemclubafricalecorp.hkGARI INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCHjecberlinanvikshikiIFERSEducation Partnerships UK (EPUK)IFIASmaarketVector Inc.SchbangQFIRST SERVICE GROUPentladyQacademyKVENNLifeLoveCreateDesignStudioBelgrade Association of InventorsSHGVenture Capital World SummitSDG Global groupcarbonxchangeGreentechtradeABIPIRELSNoya DaranYume cloudbaby-jlimehkGlobal Strategic Corporate Sustainability Pvt. Ltd. Al-Khalifa Business SchoolifiabharatSilicon Valley InvestclubACE GroupUniversity of Santo TomasTimewitch.jpGIMMICKSASEAN CEO CLUBcorsus.techEducating Beyond Bordersikarglobal